Wrangell, Alaska

Wrangell, Alaska
Sunrise on Mount Dewey

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Time is passing so quickly it is hard to remind myself to post! For my faithful readers, I am sorry I am late on my writing this week. Last week was a whirlwind. We thought we would be closing on our home so we were rushing to get last minute paperwork in all to find that we still have another week to wait. Jim also was gone half the week to work in Ketchikan to fill in for an Occupational Therapist who is out of town for a bit. So needless to say, it was a busy week - with nothing super eventful to document on camera. I know looking at paperwork for house buying doesn't sound interesting to me.

For the next few weeks, Jim will be traveling to Ketchikan from Wednesday evening to Saturday morning to work for their hospital. He seems to enjoy the trip and change in pace but I know our puppy really misses him when he is away, so I am always happy for his return. :) The upside of this trip is he is gaining frequent flier miles on our Alaska Air account that we can later use, and he brings me gifts of convenience from Ketchikan such as milk, barbecue sauce, Oreos, subway sandwiches, and a beautiful bouquet of tulips! Not that these items are not available in Wrangell, but it is amazing what a few miles of shipment will do for grocery store prices. I am thankful for this experience for him and the convenience of having Ketchikan (and Walmart) so close to the island.

Isn't our little airport cute!?

While he was away, I spent time with my roommates and puppy. We have been blessed with AMAZING weather this past week, so I loved spending time at the park, golf course, and down at the city dock. Seeing these little glimpses of spring and summer weather are making me very anxious to spend the summer outside here. I also spent some time (more than I would like to admit) working on puzzles. My love for jigsaw puzzles began with my dad. I remember spending hours helping him sort pieces and looking for small details on each piece that provide clues for connecting patterns and colors. It may seem like a tedious chore for some, but I find it relaxing and mindless. Another exciting thing I accomplished last week, was making my first trip to the library! I checked out my first few books, by the recommendation of my brother-in-law, called the "Circle Series" by Ted Dekker. I haven't found as much time as I had hoped to read yet but what I have read has been awesome! I started with the Green Book, which is considered the alternative beginning to the series.

Oh, and one more thing. I know I talked a lot about crabs last week, and how I less than enjoyed holding and eating and even looking at them. Well guess what; the season ended for Tanner Crab/Snow Crab - which means they were basically giving them away at the dock last week. All the crabs that were not considered "restaurant quality" were unsuitable to be sold commercially because they may be missing a leg or pincher. Jim went to the dock to buy a couple crabs, returning with an estimated 80 pounds of crab that filled 31 gallon freezer bags to save for our family and friends who visit!

My weekly "God thing":
I feel like I have done a lot of waiting this week. Waiting on my house to close, waiting on finalized paperwork, waiting on Jim to return from Ketchikan, waiting on summer weather.... etc. Some of you who know me well, know that I am not very patient and waiting is one of the hardest things for me to do. Why is it so hard to wait?  I know that everything I am waiting on will eventually happen, and I know that in the meantime I have everything I could possible need in excess. I try to keep in mind that God's timing is absolutely perfect and beyond our understanding.
"The Lord is good to those who what for him, to the soul who seeks him." - Lamentations 3:25

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