Wrangell, Alaska

Wrangell, Alaska
Sunrise on Mount Dewey

Sunday, March 22, 2015

WHAT A WEEK! Jim has returned from his last trip to Ketchikan, the sun has been shining, the rain has not been falling, and.... WE FINALLY CLOSED ON OUR HOUSE! This week has been one of the most eventful weeks since we have left the lower 48.

I was so glad to pick Jim up from the airport from his last trip to Ketchikan. He flew back with what seemed to be the best flight he has had. Typically it is either raining or windy between Wrangell and Ketchikan, and he had clear skies and sunshine leaving him with a beautiful view.

As soon as Jim landed, we unloaded his bags and met up with the notary to sign the mountain of paperwork for our house! Technically, the house still isn't ours because it has not officially been recorded (scheduled for Monday morning) but we took a giant leap towards the end of this long process. The paperwork was long, and I have never signed my initials, signature, and date so many times. We took the key, and went out to check the water pump and lines after signing and to take down the "For Sale" banner.

After all the house business, we went out on our friends boat. It was a stunningly beautiful day and the water was very calm. We went out to some neighboring islands, one that is known for it's sea lion population. The rocks on the shore of the island are in the sun, providing the sea lions with the ideal place to be lazy. It was like nothing I had ever seen or heard before. There were hundreds of sea lions along about 200-300 yards of shoreline. They were playing, screaming, jumping, swimming, flipping, and all the other things sea lions do. It was spectacular! Nature's SeaWorld!

Then we drove the boat over to another island that has a small dock area for people to get off and hunt. So there are naturally many old vehicles that have been left for the purpose of driving out into the wilderness. As we came into the cove to dock, we saw a small rocky island with a bald eagle perched perfectly at it's most high peak. I have seen many eagles since we have been here but this one had a certain majesty to it's presence. I will never get tired of seeing a bald eagle in the wild.


The next day was spent moving our boxes into the house and doing some minor cleaning. Later, I started my 4th week of Insanity with my roommates and played a few card games after a delicious dinner. Then, we caught word that the Northern Lights were currently active so we went in search for any type of unusual glow. Some haziness was seen along the horizon of the mountains, but nothing bright enough to meet our expectations. I can't wait to get a good look at them someday.

My weekly "God thing":
Driving around on the boat really put into perspective just how "deserted" we are on the island of Wrangell. We travelled at about 18-20 knots for 30 minutes or more just to get to neighboring islands. And even still, God is here and I see Him every day. I see him in a friendly stranger downtown, in the hand of medical providers at the hospital, in the reunions witnessed at the airport terminal, and in this beautiful Alaskan creation that I can now call home. If He is here, this little deserted island in Southeast Alaska, He is everywhere and we have nothing to fear.

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