Wrangell, Alaska

Wrangell, Alaska
Sunrise on Mount Dewey

Sunday, March 8, 2015

It has been another beautiful week in Wrangell, Alaska. I am loving every second of living here. Work is still going very well for both Jim and me. He has returned from his second trip for work in Ketchikan. We are STILL waiting to close on our house (but I am trying to maintain my patience).

This weekend we got to see American Sniper! Movies are somewhat delayed at getting to our little one screen multi-purpose theater so this was a long awaited and anticipated weekend. We both really enjoyed the movie. I have also kept busy with continued jigsaw puzzles, playing with Beatrice, knitting, and completion of my first week of the Insanity workout program with my roommates.

We also have taken our crab experience to a new level. This week, we have retrieved crabs from pots set out off our roommates' boat. I worked up the courage to hold a baby crab, mostly because it was too small to fight back. In the video, you can see Jim and Aaron checking to make sure the crabs we were keeping were legal. They must be a male (you can tell by the markings on it's bottom shell) and measure to be a certain length. I used some crab meat from this weekend to try my hand at Maryland Crab Cakes. They were okay - a little dry and maybe slightly short on crab meat.

My weekly "God thing":
This morning at church, the sermon focused on worry, anxiety, being overwhelmed and the comfort that God gives us so that we can then provide that same comfort to others. If you have ever received a good hug, you know how comforting just the touch and embrace of another person can be. I love the thought of being embraced by God. God's embrace is strong, sure, comforting, loving, and everlasting. In fact, often when I pray for a individual, I ask God to embrace that person so that they can feel immediate comfort. I know that God is all I need to rely on for all of my worries and that he places wonderful people in my life that have felt His comfort before and know the power of prayer. His comfort comes for all places, even when we do not recognize it's form.

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