Wrangell, Alaska

Wrangell, Alaska
Sunrise on Mount Dewey

Saturday, January 3, 2015

 This week was by far one of the most eventful and busy weeks of my life. I wanted to see as many people as I possibly could before my move next week; but, I also had to pack up my entire life and prepare for a drive across the USA. Saying goodbye is difficult, especially to the people I love most.

Monday morning I met with my dear friend, former neighbor, workout buddy, and fellow puppy mom, Melissa.   Over breakfast, we enjoyed talking about my upcoming move, all the work I had to do, her new home and puppy, as well as the anticipation of meeting her new son in the next year. Long talks with good friends can be so therapeutic. 
Monday evening was a blast! After work, Jim and I met the new Mr. and Mrs. Wehrmann at their new home! Double date night! We had dinner and a game night. I love spending time with my best friend and her new husband. 

Tuesday afternoon, after a long day of packing and cleaning, I met with some of my favorite high school friends. It's amazing how 7 years can pass and we can pick up right where we left off out senior year. Sure, conversational topics change, but the bond and the laughter is constant. I love these girls!

Tuesday, my brother, sister-in-law, niece and new nephew arrived from Raleigh to celebrate a late Christmas. I always love spending time with them. My sister and brother-in-law also came to town from Watauga County. For the first time in a long time, my parents had all siblings, and their families close and in one place. It was wonderful! I love being surrounded by family.

It is hard to even put my thoughts together for what happened Tuesday evening. I was as happy as I possibly thought I could be while being with my family. We had a delicious dinner, played cribbage, watched movies and had many funny stories to tell. After dinner, my sister told me there was a gift for me up in her room she needed to get and to meet her in the living room. Knowing my thoughtful family, it didn't surprise me to receive a going away present. I walked with everyone else to the living room and patiently waited for my sister to return. With everyone standing around, I saw my sweet niece approach me with the gift behind her back saying, "I have a surprise for you!". She slowly revealed a beautiful hand-carved and painted puzzle box shaped like a halibut. I sat down on the ground with my niece as I carefully opened the box, pulling one piece away at a time.

Inside, I found the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. For a moment, I wondered why my sister or my family would give me such a nice diamond ring as a going away present. As I looked up, highly confused, I saw the love of my life kneeling with the life-changing question on his lips. I of course said yes through my tears of happiness and my families applause and sounds of joy.

And of course, the rest of the week was a whirlwind of emotions. I spent time with family, caught up with friends, and packed my car full of my life. I bought in 2015 with my most favorite people. It's going to be a wonderful year!
I love Ms. Betty Link. Since my time in Confirmation, she has been a mentor and friend.

My "other mother", Lori Burke. She is a great friend wonderful motherly figure to me. 

Me holding my handsome new nephew. 

Papa Scott with baby Samual

Uncle Jeshua and Aunt Lauren holding Samuel
Enjoying North Carolina BBQ together before going separate ways. 

My immediate family: Kevin, Lauren, Dad, Mom, me, and Robbie

With my cousin Tiffany, and her husband, Ryan.

With my Great Aunt Delma Lee, and cousin, Pat.
The whole gang. I love these people! 
With my siblings and their families. 

My weekly "God thing":
I have been overwhelmed with Love this week. Not just love from my friends and family, but also by God's Love. It has been a week where his presence has been evident in all that has been shown to me. My path has been made for me, and I know that His Love is the greatest of all. It is reassuring to know that his Love is constant and timeless and unwavering.

1 comment:

  1. good luck on your Alaskan adventure and a new chapter in your life
