Wrangell, Alaska

Wrangell, Alaska
Sunrise on Mount Dewey

Saturday, January 31, 2015

The end of my first full work week has come to a close. Work has been very busy establishing a caseload, and orienting myself with people and the facility. Everything is going very smoothly and I am really enjoying my new work environment.

A few of my work days have been shorter, giving me time to really explore different trails and recreational activities around the island. We have gone to Volunteer Park, Pat's Lake, Muskeg Meadows Golf Course, and spent clearer days watching the sunset off the city dock while we enjoy coffee from The Stikine Inn. Everywhere you look it is absolutely breathtaking and you are more than likely going to see a bald eagle or five.

In fact, Wednesday afternoon, Jim and I took my beagle puppy, Beatrice, to Volunteer Park. The park has awesome walking trails of different lengths and tee-ball fields where we like to let Beatrice off her leash to run and burn off extra energy before or after our walks. We generally take a toy for her to fetch, or sometimes she just has so much puppy energy that she will just run circles for nothing in return. After a few minutes of playing, Jim and I turned to the sound of 5 eagles calling and circling a neighboring field. If you have never heard a group of eagles "communicating" it is quite fascinating. They are so loud! They also have a very distinct call that always catches my attention. We grabbed Beatrice, who is only 25 lbs., slightly afraid of her being eagle bait, and waited for them to fly back to the trees. They did after a few minutes and we released Beatrice to continue playing. A few minutes later, 2 eagles came back to our field in full force. They were swooping low, with obvious sights on my puppy! Luckily, I have a level headed fiance that picked Beatrice up while I screamed and panicked. After we had held her and guarded her for a few minutes the eagles flew off. Needless to say, we are a little more hesitant to let her off her leash at the park now.

Jim protecting Beatrice at Volunteer Park

Below are beautiful pictures of the parks and other views we have seen this week.

Sunset from the City Dock
Sunset from the City Dock
Sunset from the City Dock
Muskeg Meadows Golf Course
Muskeg Meadows Golf Course
Pat's Lake
Pat's Lake

My weekly "God thing": 
This week I have met wonderful and interesting people. One specific wonderful person is a patient of mine. She is so excited to be receiving new therapy services. She is so delightful and happy and grateful. This week she provided me with reassurance that I am where I am supposed to be. Mid-session she said, "I am so glad you are here! It is a God thing that you are here. I just praise the Lord everyday that you and Jim moved to Wrangell to give me just what I needed." It was all I could do to hold back my tears. For me, the services we provide are typical everyday work for us. But for the people here, it is the first time they have had access to these rehab services available on the island without having to fly off the island or do without. 
I know there have been times in the past when God has put specific people in place to help me when I was in desperate need. Little, everyday things that the givers probably didn't think twice about, have often made a big difference in my life. You never know when and how God is using you in other peoples lives to make a big difference. It's a good feeling to know I am a piece of His plan. 

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