Wrangell, Alaska

Wrangell, Alaska
Sunrise on Mount Dewey

Friday, January 23, 2015

We are nearing the end of our first week in Wrangell! This week's theme is entitled, "I can't believe I get to live here!" Jim and I have been overwhelmed with Wrangell's since of community, hospitality, and beauty. It has rained everyday since we arrived, but the rain does not put a damper on the gorgeousness of southeast Alaska.

Monday and Tuesday of this week were spent adjusting to the time difference by trying to establish normal sleeping patterns again, becoming what I keep referring to as "real people" by getting a license plate, driver's license, insurance, PO Box, and groceries, and preparing to start work on Wednesday at Wrangell Medical Center. They were a busy couple of days, but it was a nice way to get acquainted with the town and orient ourselves.

Wednesday was the big day. We began work at Wrangell Medical Center as the only practicing Speech-Language Pathologist and Occupational Therapist on the island. It is somewhat of an intimidating undertaking, but it is also a fun experience to see a rehabilitation program built from just Physical Therapy services. I think we have a strong dynamic and team set up and I am very excited to see what becomes of the services there. This week was mostly orientation to the facility and setting up documentation, and training opportunities.

After our first day of work, I was downstairs playing with my puppy when I heard a knock on the door behind me. I turned and saw my bright-eyed co-worker with a headlamp on, muddy boots, and wet jacket holding a large blue pail that appeared to be somewhat heavy. I opened the door and she said, "I hit the mother-load and have more clams that I will need for my chowder!" Denise, Jim, and I followed her upstairs to the kitchen and she proceeded to show us how to shuck clams. What an experience! We opened up about 15 clams, cleaned them, and froze them to make clam chowder next week. It's so funny and different when events like that happen here (and they supposedly happen a lot) because there is not really a way to compare it to anything I have experienced. The spontaneity and simple pleasures that are going to come with living in Wrangell are priceless.

Along with the spontaneous clamming, orientation, and work, we spent time walking the dog during breaks in the rain. We discovered a wonderful walking trail that was breathtakingly beautiful. Pictures just could not capture the beauty. I also enjoyed FaceTiming my "Raleigh Family" and seeing my growing niece and nephew. I love them! It is amazing how seeing faces can make 3,000 miles seem not so far away.

For those of you who would like to shower us with gifts from the lower 48, our mailing address is:
PO Box 1813
Wrangell, AK  99929

My weekly "God thing":
Earlier I mentioned that my theme for the week has been, "I can't believe I get to live here!" I can't believe that this place even exist and that they needed a Speech Pathologist, and needed an Occupational Therapist, and they offered the jobs to both of us, and we are able to travel, and the list goes on and on and on...
Lots of things happen that we "can't believe" and we talk about it all the time; but I have noticed that we usually talk about things that we do not like. "I can't believe the Panthers lost!" "I can't believe all this rain!" Or earlier this week... "I can't believe I failed my driver's test and have to go back and take it again tomorrow." Why is it that we do not take time to recognize all the awesome things that are happening, even if they are "typical" or "everyday things". I wish I heard people say, "I can't believe I am lucky enough to have food everyday." or "I can't believe I am fortunate enough to put on clean clothes in the mornings." What a different world it would be.

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