Wrangell, Alaska

Wrangell, Alaska
Sunrise on Mount Dewey

Monday, October 17, 2016

This is a special edition post in honor of a very special lady! She is 94 years young on October 18th and is the role model and hero of many people all across the USA and I have a video as proof.

Grandma, you are a wonderful person. You inspire me and many others to be all around better. You light up a room when you enter with your positive spirit and friendship. You always offer a listening ear and give advice (even in situations when it may be hard to take) and look after your "flock".

We all love you so dearly! We have gathered well wishes from all over the USA, even though some we were unable to obtain due to technical issues. Just know that you are in all of our hearts always, but especially on this day.

P.S. Thank you, Kevin for putting together this video. I am sure that I may have eventually figured out how to do it, but I know it wouldn't have looked as good and it would have taken me FOREVER!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Welcome to my September (and a little bit of August) summary!

What a fun month we have had. I hate to sound like a broken record, but this life is so fun and I can't believe I am the one lucky enough to live it. It always amazes me how busy we stay on a little island. Slow days are rare and appreciated. In this past month and a half we said goodbye to all of our out of town wedding guests and my mom, who migrated back south for the winter, and got back into "every day life".

Before the ultimate birthday present (Toby) arrived, Jim spoiled me with a new camera and a picnic hike. The weather was beautiful, the company was perfect, and the sub sandwiches were much desired after a few miles on foot. Beatrice was even pooped after this hike! We almost had to carry her!

Rainbow Falls
The next weekend, this girl reeled in her first halibut! It was about 35 pounds but I swear it fought like it was 60 pounds. It was definitely a thrill and apparently I have great commentary while pulling in a big fish: "my arms don't work anymore!"

Toby arrived mid-September and has been keeping us, but mostly Beatrice, on our toes ever since. He is a ball of energy for sure. Surprisingly, Beatrice was accepting and playful with him from day 1. It is crazy how fast he grows! He has already outgrown his puppy collar and can no longer fit under our quilt trunk to play peek-a-boo with Beatrice. A second dog is definitely easier than the first dog because they have each other as an outlet for energy. Now if I can just get him fully house trained and to sleep past 6:00 am...


The day after Toby arrived, we were offered a float plane trip to Virginia Lake as a wedding gift (thanks, Mike!). It was a first float plane trip for both Jim and me, although we have both been on a small passenger plane before. I really like the thought of flying on a small float plane, but my stomach does not even though the views were awesome and the flight was smooth. It was nice to be "away" for an afternoon at the cabin with no dogs to watch (thanks mom, dad, and Kevin), no internet to surf, no chores to do, and no distractions. We hopped on a row boat at the lake and fished for trout, sat on the dock, played cribbage, and just enjoyed the sunshine. 

Otherwise, we are embracing the activities of day-to-day life including chasing the Northern Lights (no big deal) and coaching 4th-6th grade youth basketball. Okay, let's be real, Jim is coaching - I am more of a cheerleader/behavioral support. It's fun! We have enjoyed getting to know some kids here and see them learn how to work as a team. 

Here is to the next month of adventure! Jim is out on a shrimp boat until October 12th, which means I am trying to keep up with these crazy puppies by myself. Maybe next month's update will include tips and tricks on maintaining your sanity with a 10 week old beagle who pees everywhere! Stay tuned.

My monthly "God thing": 
You know those days when everything seems to happen all at once? Sure, you may start the day with the right attitude and a healthy breakfast but then everything else happens. Your husband leaves to shrimp for two weeks, your dogs constantly want each other's bones and toys, the light in the kitchen won't stop flickering, you are coaching a team of kids who just lost their first game, and you have a busier day at work than expected so have to go in later to finish paperwork. I had a day like that this week and do you want to know how God presented himself and said, "It's okay, Kristen. I've got you"? My last little patient showed up to her session with a bright, beautiful bouquet of flowers. He is always there for us and send us bits of encouragement right when we need them. You just have to listen.