Wrangell, Alaska

Wrangell, Alaska
Sunrise on Mount Dewey

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Guess who's back! It's not that I haven't thought about writing a blog, it is all about finding the time and energy to sit down and start. My weekly commutes to Petersburg are continuing and I am starting to feel fully adjusted to the new schedule. We have been pouring time and energy into our home (especially the porch) in preparation for spending time outside this summer. 

Time is definitely flying by - we have been here 20 weeks tomorrow! That is almost half the first year and it is blowing my mind. We are still finding things daily that amaze us - like little baby deer, eating King Crab, practicing yoga in beautiful places, catching huge fish, watching our flowers bloom and grow, and exploring further our surroundings. 

Recently, we were invited up the Stikine River by our friends, Mindy and Dave. Dave has been traveling up river for years and knows all the ends and outs and safety measures for the trip. This was another experience that gave me an amazing perspective on our little island's vast geographical location. We traveled miles of windy waterways and were left in awe of how beautiful these areas of untouched nature were. In many places, the water was incredibly blue and the mountains surrounding us seemed to stretch to touch the sky and with each turn in the river, a new scene was before us. We also were introduced to Shakes Glacier. We were not able to drive up to the face of the Glacier, but that in no way lessened our amazement. Oh and there were natural hot springs up river that we gladly sat in for hours. 

 My "God thing":
The song Jesus is Better has been in my head for weeks now. "Glory, glory, we have no other King but Jesus, Lord of all. We raise the anthem. Our loudest praises ring. We crown Him Lord of all." Other than it just being a super catchy song, I haven't understood why it has been so constantly stuck in my head. All I can guess is that I need to be reminded that no matter how amazed and in love with my new life, Jesus is better than it all. He is better than our earthly comforts, riches, as well as our struggles.