Wrangell, Alaska

Wrangell, Alaska
Sunrise on Mount Dewey

Monday, May 11, 2015

 With increased involvement in the community and with work it is getting harder and harder to find time to write my weekly blog. I am going to lessen my commitment to every other week - maybe with some bonus updates when needed! :)

The past two weeks have really been a whirlwind! I have continued my trips to Petersburg, this week increasing to two times a week instead of one time per week. This means I will be lodging in Petersburg one night a week to lessen my travel time for the amount of hours I can work. I am still traveling there by boat - and some days I love it and some days it is terrifying. More details to come.

My dad was in for a visit last week! For all of you who prayed for safe travel, thank you. He made it all 6,000 miles with no issues. He also had excellent weather during his stay giving us every opportunity to let him experience as much as possible on Wrangell island. We had friends that took him out on multiple fishing trips (my dad even purchased an annual license to give him a reason to return this year), we hiked Nemo Point, Rainbow Falls, Mount Dewey, and Volunteer Park. We also got to take him on a boat ride to Petersburg and back, and on a small plane ride to see various glaciers and mountains in the higher elevations up the Stikine River. He participated in a golf tournament, attended a Ducks Unlimited banquet, helped me paint another couple of rooms in the house, and got to see many beautiful late night sunsets. Of his 9 days here, it only rained 2 days, which is so incredibly lucky! We also spoiled him with endless amounts of seafood including, King Salmon, crab cakes, crab legs, crab bisque, and shrimp. I am turning into a pretty decent seafood cook. We loved having a visitor and being able to show off this awesome new home of ours.

My bi-weekly "God thing":
As mentioned earlier, my travels to Petersburg can be awesome and beautiful but they can also be terrifying and treacherous. Last week was perfect. The waters were nearly as calm as a lake and it took less than 30 minutes to arrive on the neighboring island. The week before, when I was traveling without my dad and fiance, was a different story completely. I woke up to reports of gale force winds and the sounds of strong house creaking in the wind. Our flag poles were bent out of their holders and white caps were covering the view of the ocean outside. I called the boat driver to see if he was still traveling today and didn't get an answer. Not wanted to look like a scaredy cat, I arrived as scheduled at the dock to find the driver waiting on me. I said, "We aren't going to blow away are we?" He replied, "No, we won't blow away. It may feel like it at times though." I nervously laughed and boarded the small boat. We sailed on - making our way slowly but surely to Petersburg. Thankfully, I was in the hands of a very experienced and talented driver, but most importantly I was in God's hands. The skies were completely overcast with just enough sunlight each way for a faint rainbow to be visible to reassure me that I would arrive to my destinations safely. That doesn't mean that I was not afraid and anxious during the trip. Somehow, I managed not to get seasick and film this video of the trip and catch the view of some remaining sea lions braving the storm.